
16 May 2012

NBA Playoffs : Second Round Preview

Now I know its a bit late but thats due to those pesky Game 7's. Lets first recap my predictions on the first round!

Prediction : Spurs over Jazz in 4 Games (Spurs won in 4)

Prediction : Thunder over Mavs in 6 Games (Thunder won in 4)

Prediction : Nuggets over Lakers in 7 Games (Lakers won in 7)

Prediction : Clippers over Grizzlies in 7 Games (Clippers won in 7)

Prediction : Bulls over 76ers in 5 Games (76ers won in 6)

Prediction : Heat over Knicks in 7 Games (Heat won in 5)

Prediction : Pacers over Magic in 6 Games (Pacers won in 5)

Prediction : Celtics over Heat in 5 Games (Celtics won in 6)

Ok so that wasn't too bad and pretty spot on. The Lakers Nuggets series could've gone either way, and the Bulls lost D Rose and Noah and who could've seen both of that. Even though I'm a Knick fan they were done hard by the Shumpert and Stat injuries mid series. Probably would've won another game and forced it to 6 but never won the series. Was a great first round but now the scrubs (Melo) are gone and its time for the second round.

Western Conference :

1. San Antonio Spurs defeats 5. Los Angeles Clippers in 5 Games

Spurs are too deep and too good defensively. Duncan is going to force Blake to take jumpers all day and Tony Parker will not let CP3 take over games. I still think the Clippers can get one at home but this series is going to be short and San Antonio will be once again rested heading into another series.

2. Oklahoma City Thunder defeats 3. Los Angeles Lakers in 4 Games

Whoa Laker fans who bashed me about the Nuggets prediction calm down again. Listen carefully, your team sucks I know I know Kobe bla bla but they aren't very good. The best thing that could happen to this team is it gets blown up in the offseason and they start over. The Thunder have a better team and are younger and quicker than the Lakers. Only way the Lakers stand a chance is they keep their starting 5 in the whole game every game. This could get very ugly ala the Mavs series last year. Elbowgate replay?

Eastern Conference :

1. Miami Heat defeats 3. Indiana Pacers in 7 Games

Full disclosure I am writing this after game 1 so Bosh is done for the series now. With that being said I cant see Lebron and Wade losing this series as much as that pains me to write. The Pacers have a nice team, I love the way they play they are deep as hell and very aggressive with guys who just come in to use up their fouls. Still I think the have Nuggets syndrome with no one to close out games. Will be competitive and I think if we see a Game 7 it could get really interesting...feeling the Heat much Lebron (no pun intended).

4. Boston Celtics defeats 8. Philadelphia 76ers in 5 Games

Its great to see Philly still in it. Doug Collins has done a great job in his tenure there and they have done a good job keeping Iggy in a Sixer uniform and not caving to trade rumors. However they are playing a fully healthy Rajon Rondo led Celtics team. I think Boston is going to go to Philly win 2 and then come home and close them out. Was a nice run (thanks to a ton of injury help to be fair) by the Sixers but they'll be better and back next year.

There ya go Enjoy the games and lets see if I can keep the predictions going in the right direction!

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